Ma’alin Ba’Kodesh - Conquering Corona
Yeshivat Hesder Avinoam - Tapuach
Dear Friends:
We hope that this letter finds you and your family in good health. I know that I am not the only person who finds themselves at a loss as to how to process what we are going through. I am reminded of the final words we declare during the Neilah Service of Yom Kippur, “Hashem – only He is G-d!”.
This year, we have nearly doubled the size of our student body at Yeshivat Hesder Avinoam - Tapuach and I am happy to report that they have all returned to campus under new guidelines from the Ministry of Health. The sweet sound of Torah learning has returned to the hills of the Shomron.
We do not know the full financial impact that the Coronavirus will have on the yeshiva. The combination of reduced government funding due to the lack of a national government coupled with a pandemic place us in a situation that we have not faced before. We anticipate that we will see an increase of at least $10,000 in expenses related to increased expenses related to increase in products that we will need to use for cleaning, disinfecting, moving to disposables, and physical modifications that we’ve had to make.
These are unprecedented times. If you are not able to help us at this time, we certainly understand. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your families. May Hashem reward your kindness with His.
Please join us as we continue with our mission of expanding Torat Eretz Yisrael and Yishuv Ha’aretz where the crossroads of Jerusalem, Shechem, Ariel and the Jordan Valley meet.
Ma’alin Ba’Kodesh – together we will conquer corona!
Elliott Cahan
Director of North American Development
American Friends of Bimad Elon Moreh
P.O. Box 223
New Rochelle, NY 10804
Canadian Friends of Beit Midrash Elon Moreh
104 Bevshire Circle
Thornhill, ON L4J 5B5
CRA #85720 9274 RR0001